ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2023-09-21
ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2023-09-21.pdf (135.9 KB)
- TSC Members
- eProsima / Jaime Martin Losa
- / Chris Lalancette
- / Katherine Scott
- Canonical / Mirko Ferrati
- Microsoft / Lou Amadio
- WInd River / Andrei Kholodnyi
- Bosch / Christian Henkel
- Robotis / Will Son
- Amazon / Aaron Blasdel
- Devcom / Jerry Towler
- Apex.AI / Lyle Johnson, Michael Orlov
- Sony / Tomoya Fujita
- Community / Francisco Martin Rico
- iRobot / Alberto Soragna
- Toyota Research Institute / Ian McMahon
- Picknik / Henning Kayser
- OSRF / Geoff Biggs
- Foxglove / Adrian Macneil
- Zettascale / Angelo Corsaro
- TSC Observers
- Steve Macenski
- Emerson Knapp
- Tully Foote
- Excused
- Community / Oliver Michel
- Absent
- Intel / Harold Lang
- ROS Industrial / Matt Robinson
- Community / Patrick Musau
- TSC Members
- [Kat | 5min] TSC @ ROSCon – need to figure out how to cover meeting expenses. Kat can’t financially support the meeting.
- TL;DR TSC Members will need to cover their food and drink. We will have a venue, some sort of bar and grill near ROSCon.
- [Kat | 5min] TSC @ ROSCon – need to figure out how to cover meeting expenses. Kat can’t financially support the meeting.
Old business
- [Chris | 2 min] – Chris Lalancette has to leave early and has requested we discuss the Jazzy release at the top of the meeting.
- State of ROS Talk At ROSCon w/ ROS 2 Jazzy
- Please include your jazzy plans if they are public so they can be included.
- Please include plans in a PR on
- State of ROS Talk At ROSCon w/ ROS 2 Jazzy
- [Kat | 10min] Discuss meeting minutes from August
- [Chris | 2 min] – Chris Lalancette has to leave early and has requested we discuss the Jazzy release at the top of the meeting.
New business
- [Kat | 5min] Community Rep Election
- [Steve | 5 min] Rcl Action Result Timeout
- We ID’d in Nav2 an issue with rcl action library naively expiring live goals causing problems → impacts many action users
- Open Navigation doesn’t have cycles to address right now, but worth making visible to this group / end-users
- a temporary work around using high result_timeout, which comes with trade-offs
- Call to action: Intrinsic, help? I’m pretty sure your ROS 2-based products hit this as well
Did you file an issue?
- [Chris | 30 min] Discuss REP-2016 for draft status.
- Jaime: why aren’t we using existing capabilities in things like DDS / Xtypes? It is also opaque to RMW. See comments in PR. (Emerson – these are not precluded, this rep does create a means to move type descriptions).
- Ian: Could the hash be useful in an RMW-agnostic security implementation? Emerson: This was not considered in the design process.
- Angelo: Not all DDS vendors have the same Xtypes impl
- Jerry: The versioning of baked in types is not really quite up to REP-2011
- Jerry: Have we considered a formal grammar for antler? – (Emerson, it is not ruled out).
- Jerry: Optional to transmit type info plus hash? Emerson: yes?
- Tomoya: What happens to the hash when constants change?
- TODO: Emerson is going to address comments and bring REP back for a vote for acceptance.
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- RMW Alternate spec will be released next week as a PDF next week
- RMW Alternate will be released next week.
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
- [Bence] Control
- [Martin Losa] Embedded
- ROS2 & PX4 Teleoperation and SLAM on a Steam Deck, Made Possible by uXRCE-DDS.
- Presentation by Braden Wagstaff from ARK Electronics
- ROS2 & PX4 Teleoperation and SLAM on a Steam Deck, Made Possible by uXRCE-DDS.
- [Kayser] Manipulation
- MoveIt Releases
- 2.8.0 for Iron/Rolling
- Includes large Servo refactoring, API-breaking cleanup for planning request adapter interface
- 2.5.5 patch release for Humble, mostly bug-fixes
- 2.8.0 for Iron/Rolling
- Few seats left for MoveItCon 2023
- MoveIt Releases
- [Woodall] Middleware
- [Macenski] Navigation
- Exposing Action Result Timeout across Nav2 servers due to rcl bug as a medium term work around. Could really use assistance resolving
- New GPS Waypoint Following Feature! Tutorial for setting up GPS + Nav2 + ROS 2 on the way along with real-life demo videos of GPS Nav2 in production. Thanks to Kiwibot!
- New Visual-Inertial Odometry tutorial in the works, to be released next week
- MPPI run-time performance optimizations and we’re still debugging why the binaries of MPPI all the sudden stopped working across all distributions (compiler changes? Build farm environment changes?)
- Multi-robot support for simple commander API!
- Major new features to Smac Planner to resolve binning problems and additional optimization features
- Added new Collision Detector node within Collision Monitor to detect and publish state changes in polygons rather than directly stopping the robot’s motion
- New launch files for multi-robot using the same robot model for homogeneous fleet testing
- Next ROS 2 distro release
[Andrei] Real-Time
- ROSCon 2023 Workshop
- REP2017 (eSOL)
- TODO: Chris Lalancette want feedback in the near future.
[Biggs] Client libraries
[Mirko] Security
- Small meeting, talked about hardening the entire OS instead of just ros-based apps
[Orlov] Rosbag2 and Tooling WG
- Meaningfull changes and merged PRs:
- Redesign Player class with PIMPL idiom (rosbag2#1447)
- Don’t warn for unknown types if they are not included in the topic list (rosbag2#1466)
- Add BagSplitInfo service call on bag close (rosbag2#1422)
- Note: The
field will have an empty string to indicate that it was “bag close” and not bag split event.
- Note: The
- Add per group statistics in rosbag2_performance_benchmarking (rosbag2#1306)
- Add per group statistics for received messages in percentages. i.e. counting missed messages from each publisher. Before we were counting only from the first publisher.
- Made progress on the following PRs:
- Meaningfull changes and merged PRs: