ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2024-03-21
ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2024-03-21.pdf (110.5 KB)
This was our final ROS 2 TSC meeting. As outlined in the OSRA announcement, the TGC and PMC meetings should commence in late April. It was a pleasure to working with all of you!
- TSC Members
- eProsima / Jaime Martin Losa
- Zettascale / Angelo Corsaro
- OSRF / Geoff Biggs
- Community / Francisco Martin Rico
- / Chris Lalancette
- / Katherine Scott
- Foxglove / Adrian Macneil
- Sony / Tomoya Fujita
- Picknik / Henning Kayser
- Bosch / Christian Henkel
- Robotis / Will Son
- Wind River / Andrei Kholodnyi
- iRobot / Alberto Soragna
- Community / Steve Macenski
- Community / David Lu!!
- Toyota Research Institute / Ian McMahon
- Apex.AI / Lyle Johnson, Michael Orlov
- Devcom / Jerry Towler
- TSC Observers
- Absent (Please move to TSC Members Line):
- Amazon / Matt Hansen
- Canonical / Mirko Ferrati (holiday)
- Intel / Harold Lang
- Microsoft / Lou Amadio
- ROS Industrial / Matt Robinson
- TSC Members
- You should only have comment access to this document.
- [Kat ][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
- ROSCon CFP is open. Sponsorship next week.
- Jazzy Testing Party Kickoff May 1st
- Will need your help
Old business
New business
Confidential Business
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- Jazzy
- Zenoh
- rmw_zenoh mostly feature complete
- Still some scaling issues, working through those
- Rosbag2 service record/replay (Apex.AI / Sony)
- Under final review, Support service 2/2 --- rosbag2 service play by Barry-Xu-2018 · Pull Request #1481 · ros2/rosbag2 · GitHub
- Follow-up: tutorial document
- Ubuntu Noble
- TODO: Need documentation on pinning rosdep while in the transitory release period for next time.
- Binary transition complete
- Still working on migrating
- Ubuntu 24.04 still has broken flake8
- RMW freeze is in ~ 2 weeks (notice to be sent out Monday)
- Tutorial party on May 1st-ish
- Zenoh
- Jazzy
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
[Bence] Control
[Martin Losa] Embedded
- No update this month. The agenda for the next EWG is not (last week of march) is not yet available.
[Kayser] Manipulation
- MoveIt accepted as mentoring org for GSoC24
[Woodall] Middleware
[Macenski] Navigation
- Improved 45% run-time on MPPI controller for smaller compute platforms or larger scale robot systems
- Fixes to Smac Planner to allow for dynamically setting new footprints
- Added AMCL service for setting localization position in addition to topic interface
- A number of shutdown improvements when Control+C during navigation run-time
- A fix to the Simple Action Server to handle goal handles being properly freed
- Migrated to BT.CPPv4.5!
- New MPPI Cost Critic as a potential replacement with slightly different behavior than the Obstacles Critic, now default recommended
[Andrei] Real-Time
[Soragna] Client libraries
- New meeting tomorrow (Friday 22 March) after more than 1 year of pause
[Mirko] Security
- No updates
[Soragna] Production
- Meeting notes: Meeting Agenda - Google Docs
- Finalizing design process and stages
- Discussing ideas on defining performance and stability requirements for RMW vendors
[Orlov] Rosbag2 and Tooling
- Merged the following meaningful PRs:
- Filter topics by type during recording (rosbag2#1577)
- Add Python stubs for rosbag2_py (rosbag2#1569) - *.pyi files generated by pybind11-stubgen
- Made progress on the following meaningful PRs:
- Support service 2/2 — rosbag2 service play (rosbag2#1481) – in review and still need a lot of fixes.
- Use middleware send and receive timestamps from message_info during recording (rosbag2#1531) got compilation problem on Windows with RTI Connext DDS since it doesn’t support
timestamps in message_info. - GraTutorial party on May 1st-ishcefully handle SIGINT and SIGTERM signals for play and burst CLI (rosbag2#1557) – in review
- Merged the following meaningful PRs:
- Next ROS 2 distro release