We are working to finalize all the details related to the 2021 ROS-I Consortium Americas Annual Meeting. We have updated the event listing over at ros-i.org. This event will be virtual (surprise!) and will be on April 13-15. Day 1 will be open to the public, as well as Day 3, which will be a demonstration day. We will continue to update the event listing as details firm, so stay tuned.
Thanks for the continued support of open-source for industry!
Matt R.
RIC Americas Program Manager
This is RIC-Americas Annual Meeting Week!
Agenda has been updated, and we will make a few more updates even yet.
It may have been noticed, that there was a nominal fee for non-members. However, if you reply via message with your email address, I will be happy to provide any interested open-source fan access to the streaming links for the public portions of the event, per past RIC Americas Annual Meetings.
Thanks for all of your continued interest in open source for industry!
Matt R.
Oh yeah, all the presentations and videos for this event have been up and ready for our viewing pleasure. You can find all the public content on the event agenda: ROS-Industrial Consortium Americas 2021 Annual Meeting — ROS-Industrial
Also, we created a YouTube playlist for the public content as well:
Day 1: ROS Industrial Asia Pacific Updates and Developmental Updates to Easy 1 - YouTube
Demo Day: Realtime Path Planning in Dynamic Environments - YouTube
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