ROS on Windows: Foxy Release v20200925.0.0.2010010001

The Microsoft Azure Edge Robotics team is happy to announce the Foxy Release v20200925.0.0.2010010001 for Windows developers.

As usual, you can install it by the following steps:

mkdir c:\opt\chocolatey
set ChocolateyInstall=c:\opt\chocolatey
choco source add -n=ros-win -s="" --priority=1
choco upgrade ros-foxy-desktop -y --execution-timeout=0

Some highlights of this release:

Love your feedback and let us know on GitHub.

Also check out for ROS related components from Microsoft and partners which are supported on Linux and Windows. And more getting started tutorials on

Happy coding ROS Developers! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Awesome work @seanyen-msft & team!!!

Any news on rosdep for Windows?
Last time I tried ROS2 with windows rosdep wasnt fully supported just yet.

@flynneva Please excuse my late reply on this. We are still working on the ROS2 rosdep enablement. In the meanwhile, curious what the rosdep scenario you’d like to see the most? Currently all the dependencies up to desktop (plus all the enabled packages) are included in the installation.