ROS Summer School 2019 in Pretoria, South Africa

The Registration for the ROS Summer School at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in Pretoria, South Africa is opened.

The event will take place from 23rd of September till 27th of September 2019. Everyone who is interested in learning ROS is invited to register now! For registration contact Johan Benade <> from TUT.

This week of TUT ROS Summer School will cover the following topics of mobile robotics programming:

  • Communication
  • Coordinate Transforms
  • Hardware Interfacing
  • Teleoperation
  • Landmark Detection
  • Localization
  • Mapping

The best part of course is using all this learned knowledge on real Hardware with our mobile Robots.

All is organized by MASCOR and TUT. The ROS Summer School is designed to teach participants about how to get started with ROS; it is created for those who have had an interest in autonomous systems, but didn’t quite know how to get started. With that, organizers recommend students have a basic knowledge of Linux (Ubuntu) and one programming language such as Python or C++.

The ROS Summer School is part of the ROSIN project. The ROSIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732287.



Is there any scholarship for this?


Dear Andres,

I checked with our South African partner and actually we don’t have any scholarship options.

Kind regards,

Hi Patrick I couldn’t get details about the application. I have been checking and emailing Johan since.

Does anyone have the contact info for this summer school? Not sure if Johan’s email address is working.



Hi again,

sorry for my late response. Yes, the E-Mail is valid. I will check again with Johan.


I’d really like to attend if possible. Where can I find more information? Like cost and space availability?

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Is there another place where ROS will have summer schools? In the USA?

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Hello Jeremy,

welcome to the ROS Discourse community! For further information the best is to contact Johan via E-Mail.

Kind regards,

Hello ewaldheinsen,

I welcome you as well to the ROS Discourse community!

Meanwhile there are a couple of trainings available worldwide. In USA you should try to check with ROS-I Consortium. They host trainings several times.

Our ROSIN consortium is also hosting trainings and schools multiple times. Checkout for further information.

Kind regards,

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Hi everyone,

More information regarding the Pretoria course and registration can be done at the following link:

Kind regards, Johan

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Hi Jeremy,

Information and registration can be found at the following link:

Attached is our pamphlet.

Let me know if you need additional information.

Kind regards, Johan

ROS TUT Summerschool Pamphlet Sept 2019.pdf (668 KB)

Hello Johan,

  The pamphlet seems to be from 2018.  A further question I have is

whether attendees will need to find their own housing through
local contacts, or are there dormitories available, etc.?



Dear Amy,

Yes you are correct the date on the pamphlet is incorrect, it should be 23 to 27 September.

Due to the nature of the activities of our university we are not able to offer accommodation.

Attendees will have to find their own accommodation. Best area to look for accommodation would be Hatfield, Pretoria.

Kind regards, Johan

Hi Johan,

I’m back with more questions, I co-chair a tech committee and some members from outside of South Africa are interested in this course, but there are some logistical issues that need to be figured out to get them there.

How long will the registration be open for? And is it possible to register and be accepted, and then pay the fee at a later date when the visa and other arrangements have been confirmed? I’m not able to get the registration page to load at the moment (from the US), so these questions may be answered there. If it is easier to reply via email, mine is amytabb at ieee dot org – I was not able to find yours.

Thanks for offering this course!

Closing the loop on ROS discourse – thanks Johan for the email so that tech committee members in Africa (but outside of South Africa) can get more information and make their plans.

Best Amy