ROS Wrapped '23 (Metrics Update)

As we wrap up 2023, some updates about the unofficial(?) ROS Metrics report located at

Perhaps more excitingly, I decided to throw together a year-end wrap-up a la Spotify Wrapped.

And I’m inviting YOU to generate your own ROS Wrapped stats as well. Just fill out this form

and I will email you your results in the new year.

Here’s to many more contributions to ROS in 2024! :champagne: :clinking_glasses: :turtle:



Perhaps “Robot Operating System 2: Design, architecture, and uses in the wild”? Seems to be the best candidate for the ROS 2 equivalent of the currently-tracked paper.

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@DLu thanks for the nice stats!

The Analytics bugged me a bit since we also have some issues on the it is interesting and useful to see those. In the end, we decided to go with analytics (it is open-source and without cookies) provider that can be nicely integrated into webpage for everybody to see it, e.g., Contributing — ROS2_Control: Rolling Jan 2024 documentation. My company is sponsoring this for Control WG, but we don’t have much traffic and I managed to integrate the plan with the rest of companies websites.

I see that for all ROS sites one would need about 3-5 M views per month. I have checked on plausible and this would cost about 1,3 k per year. Maybe this is something OSRF could organize and one or more companies could sponsor that? @gbiggs and @Vanessa_Yamzon_Orsi what do you think? Would something like this be feasible and useful? I am guessing that the data would be very nice for OSRF (and the community in general) to have for different marketing and sponsoring actions.

Thank you @DLu

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