ROS News for the Week of November 4th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of November 4th, 2024

ROSCon 2024 is in the bag and most of the team is finally home! The videos should be up on the web soon (please don’t ask when, they’ll be up as soon as we can get them edited and uploaded).

In the meantime there are some great resources that came out of the event. Sebastian Castro put together a fantastic summary of the event. You can also check out @mjcarroll and @jennuine’s
r2s: Text User Interface (TUI) for ROS 2, this Zenoh + ROS 2 ROSCon Workshop, this demystifying ROS 2 networking workshop, and my intro to ROS 2 workshop

@Anis_Koubaa has put together a comprehensive survey on ROS 2.. They survey includes an amazing webpage that allows you to search through ROS papers that is worth bookmarking.

ROS By-The-Bay with Red Rabbit Robotics and @methyldragon is scheduled for next Thursday, November 14th in Mountain View. There are maybe ten RSVPs left.

Our friends at ROS Industrial had their annual European and Asian consortium meetings over the past two weeks. One of the big take aways is the new Mitsubishi MELFA ROS 2 driver. You can check out the source code here.

:rocket: Space ROS Humble 2024.10.0 has been released!. I suggest you take a look at the Space ROS Demo repository’s pull requests. There is some really cool stuff in there!

Along those lines, check out ROSA being demonstrated for Neil deGrasse Tyson at JPL.




Got a minute? :mantelpiece_clock:

We desperately need more contributors to the ROS Documentation. If you learned something new this week why not share it with the community?


Thank you for sharing my article so prominently! :star_struck:

Just wanted to add that the code (and slides) for the ROS 2 Deliberation workshop is also available:

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Thanks @scastro!

We don’t record the workshops, but it looks like at least half of the workshops this year have fairly self-contained Github repositories. I’ll add them to the website when I get a second. I’ll also reach out to the other three workshops and see if they materials that are publicly available.