ROS2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting 4 - Oct 16, 2019, 7AM PDT (UTC-7)


  1. Joe Speed, Erik
  2. Dejan, Christophe
  3. Carlos
  4. William
  5. tomoyafujita

Meeting recordings:


Meeting Minutes

  1. Only Anup volunteered to contribute to the real-time rmw implementation based on CycloneDDS. Next steps: find contractors. @eboasson to create a project on github for this rmw implementation and some issues which we can give to contractors as a SOW.
  2. Presentation of the “Mini buildfarm with resource guarantees” will be done by Silexica in one of the next meetings
  3. Carlos presented the idea of porting an inverted pendulum demo to ROS2 and use that as an example real-time application ROS2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting 3 - Oct 2, 2019, 7AM PDT (UTC-7). Carlos will open source his port and ADLINK or Apex.AI can present it at ROSCon 2019. Carlos also has a very cool simulation:
  4. Link to the PRs for the static executor was wrong, here a corrected link:
  5. Regarding memory audit in rmw, rcl, rclcpp:
    1. work is being done on
    2. There is an issue summarizing the audit work:
    3. There is the gist summarizing the finding of the audit work:
    4. There are preallocations in publish and take part of the code but we are not making use of them
    5. Adding more tests that use memory tools

Action items:

  1. Create a system for documentation sharing (GDrive, Github project, …) - @razr is this something that you could maybe do?
  2. @carlossv @christophebedard to meet and explore if we can include tracing tools in the inverted pendulum demo
  3. @wjwwood and co to review
  4. @Ingo_Lutkebohle @ralph-lange are there any PRs for the real-time executor against the main ROS2 branch?
  5. @wjwwood to finish reviewing (or find someone to review)