ROS2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting 3 - Oct 2, 2019, 7AM PDT (UTC-7)

The mentioned demo it’s a rework of the inverted pendulum demo in ros2/demos (demo, tutorial). The idea is to create a more complete project like the demo shown in the last Roscon (confbot_robot) but focused on control and real-time analysis.

To add some details these are some of the new features that were added or we would like to add:

  • The simulation of the pendulun has been improved. Now it’s compound by a cart and a pole and it actually works. (See this repo to test the simulation
  • Nodes are now composable and managed.
  • Topics use deadline QoS.
  • The implementation of the controller and simulation use some abstractions so it’s possible to implement new kind of controllers or to use the code in a real pendulum by creating some drivers.
  • We collects some statistics: topic missed deadlines, timer jitter, memory page faults,…

We would like to upload the project on github before Roscon so everbody can contribute.