ROS2 security performance tests

Hi friends,

My team at Amazon is planning to release a package that contains ROS2 RMW implementation performance results. We use the tool Apex.AI ( provides to obtain data points and generate reports for when security is turned on/off in a ROS2 system. We will also provide a tool for comparing results and generate a single report for that. You will be able to read the commit history in our package to track down the history of a RWM implementation security performance by commits.

If you have any suggestions for making this more useful for you, please let us know.

Thanks in advance!

Status: Upcoming
Deadline for release: 11/16/2018

Hi @xabxx

this intel is really helpful for ROS2 users, thanks a lot.

quick question, what do you mean “security” by here.
if you could describe the difference and details, it would be really helpful too.



Hi there.
In ROS2 we can enable security. There are several ROS2 middleware implementations you can choose from to enable security. This performance test package allows you to understand performance impact (e.g. communication delay) when you enable security vs. disable security in your ROS2 system, AND with different ROS2 middleware implementations. The OMG group has detailed documentation on their definition of DDS layer security These ROS2 middleware
implementations conform to this security standard.

Does this make sense?


FYI, support for ROS_SECURITY_NODE_DIRECTORY has been merged, and might help to simplify the test scaffolding in when arbitrarily scaling up the number of nodes with unique namespaces, allowing the tests to reuse a common set of predefined security artifacts at runtime.



yeah it does, actually that is what i expected.