Hi everyone,
I’m leaving a couple of link on how to set publication mode when using rmw_fastrtps_cpp
(default up to ROS 2 Foxy):
- 16.1. Configuring Fast DDS in ROS 2 — Fast DDS 2.3.1 documentation
- GitHub - ros2/rmw_fastrtps: Implementation of the ROS Middleware (rmw) Interface using eProsima's Fast RTPS.
Also, I want to make a couple of remarks:
- As @clalancette points out, if what you want to measure is publication performance, then, the measurements should be taken in the publishing code. That being said, it’s important no point out that if there are no data recipients, the middleware would do close to nothing, so to get a valid measurement, you’d need someone listening on the other side.
- Out-of-the-box configuration maybe not be the best option for your case. There is not one-size-fits-all configuration, so ROS 2 ships a good compromise for most use-cases. However, DDS offers way more possibilities that may be used to tune for specific cases such as yours. Of those, Synchronous publishing is merely one of them.