ROSCon 2020: Postponed to 2021

My off the cuff suggestion if we were to do something this year is to have some type of virtual simulation competition based on ROS2 as the keystone of the event. This could get folks excited about this virtual event, also gets more exposure to ROS2 from developers that haven’t yet made the jump to take a look at it in a low-risk environment, and also potentially people run into issues so they file tickets, port some things that aren’t available yet, and submit new capabilities exclusive to the ROS2 ecosystem.

Then the event could be some battle-bots-esk head-to-head competition streaming with live commentary. Points then if the competition is team based or 1:1 (red team vs blue team type thing) with breaks between rounds for short talks on various topics.

  • Capture the flag
  • Literally gazebo battlebots

If we make the use of some standard robots in simulation, the final round could be on live hardware.