Thanks to everyone for your interest in and support of ROSCon. After careful consideration and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the decision to postpone the conference by a year, but keep the location. We look forward to seeing you October 20-22, 2021 in New Orleans! Stay tuned for more information on ROSCon 2021.
You may have noticed that, contrary to our published schedule, we have not yet released the Call for Proposals for ROSCon 2020. Like many of you, we’re currently reevaluating our plans for the next several months. We’ll announce an updated schedule for ROSCon 2020 by the end of May. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned for more.
@GunjanGiri, thanks for checking in. We’re getting close now, and we’ll provide an update here just as soon as we can. The pandemic has made discussions and negotiations slower and more difficult for everyone involved.
Hi there. First of all, really appreciate effort at your end for trying to workout a plan to keep everything on track. I had a query though, Will you guys be sharing the updated schedule soon? I have been waiting for an update in the schedule, and would like to ask if the Diversity Scholarship application deadline will be revised because I couldn’t find any link/email for the application. Hope you guys will work it out soon.
Thanks to everyone for your interest in and support of ROSCon. After careful consideration and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the decision to postpone the conference by a year, but keep the location. We look forward to seeing you October 20-22, 2021 in New Orleans! Stay tuned for more information on ROSCon 2021.
My off the cuff suggestion if we were to do something this year is to have some type of virtual simulation competition based on ROS2 as the keystone of the event. This could get folks excited about this virtual event, also gets more exposure to ROS2 from developers that haven’t yet made the jump to take a look at it in a low-risk environment, and also potentially people run into issues so they file tickets, port some things that aren’t available yet, and submit new capabilities exclusive to the ROS2 ecosystem.
Then the event could be some battle-bots-esk head-to-head competition streaming with live commentary. Points then if the competition is team based or 1:1 (red team vs blue team type thing) with breaks between rounds for short talks on various topics.
Capture the flag
Literally gazebo battlebots
If we make the use of some standard robots in simulation, the final round could be on live hardware.
Well, I was really looking forward to this year’s ROSCON, but obviously it must have been a hard decision for you guys too. So, see you guys next year then.
Well if there is anyone in the world who can do an awesome job of a remote / virtual conference it ought to be this group. Who has the best open source robot telepresence stack?
OK, I’m still going home to New Orleans … just next year Skipping a year will make ROScon be twice the event! Twice the people, twice the sessions, twice the fun!
would love an informal virtual event (unconference?) in the meantime. Something that is not trying to be ROScon but gives folks an outlet for showing their work. AWS, Intel, NVIDIA, others in our community host great virtual events