ROSCon 2021 Presentation: ADS in the ROS environment

Interested in learning more about how ROS and Autoware play a key role in the future of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) and Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA)? Tune in to a quick 20 minute presentation at the upcoming ROSCon 2021 this October 20th and 21st. CARMA is an open source federally funded research and development program developed by the USDOT FHWA to accelerate CDA.

When: October 20th and 21st
Length: 20 minutes
Presenter: Michael McConnell, Software Engineer at Leidos

Presentation Abstract:
Automated Driving Systems (ADS) continue to be a hot topic in the ROS community, but what comes next? The answer is cooperation and coordination between ADS systems and infrastructure. This talk will describe how the CARMA Program uses existing technologies to enable Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA). We will discuss how CARMA implemented its vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications stack in ROS and built upon to enable CDA operations such as platooning, and dynamic route updates.

Stay tuned for more updates on specific times for the presentation!