This is my rqt wishlist, in an order that is a rough combination of increasing difficulty and decreasing priority:

  • rqt_image_view - I’d like to see this before much anything else.
  • rqt_plot - maybe just choose or implement from scratch a simple single plot type rather than integrating multiple ones, make it work well enough, don’t consume tons of cpu with default settings.
  • rqt dynamic reconfigure with an interface more like rqt_image_view- I’ve made my own ros1 version of this: https://github.com/lucasw/dynamic_reconfigure_tools/tree/master/rqt_dr_single (it has some issues with reloading and servers not responding I need to clear up) - instead of a tree of all possible servers there is just one that is saved as a setting into the perspective file, but it can be switched with a drop down menu. I’ll make a ros2 version myself given ros2 dynamic reconfigure (?).
  • message publishing and echoing, service calling and action calling could also use similar treatment to be more like rqt_image_view, and with the configuration hidden be presentable to an end user who knows nothing about ros. Save configuration to the perspective file so it would be possible to set up a widget in a ui that is meant to do something specific on a single pre-configured topic or service as opposed to a tool to explore all possible topics and services etc. on a system in a big tree or list.
  • Individual crashed or unresponsive plugins ought to not bring down the entire rqt instance.
  • rviz-in-rqt - I know rviz2 work is already underway but it would be fantastic if the whole of it could be a small number of rqt plugins. A render core would publish the view/s as Images and be configured through standard ros2 interfaces. rqt_image_view would need to send all mouse events rather than just left mouse clicks. The side panels could be special rqt plugins, or some functions could be generic service caller or dynamic reconfigure plugins and corresponding servers within the render module. Eliminate redundant plugins for rviz like the image viewer (though the one that under/overlays rendered objects is still useful).
  • Convert a .perspective file to a webserver + html5/js, or an android app.