That’s actually something that should be done for all working groups. In the Autoware Foundation we are in the process of setting up a public calendar for all working group meetings to be recorded on. I will raise the idea of doing the same thing in the next ROS 2 TSC meeting.
Tully has just given me access to a calendar for ROS events, so I shall record the working group meetings on there. I presume he will announce it shortly, because it does not appear to be the same one as the ROS 2 Security WG has been using? (If it is, they’ve hidden their upcoming events very well.)
A unified working group calendar/index would be appreciated. I’d be fine jumping ships for some consolidation or consistency. Perhaps we could also start tracking our meeting notes in git repos under a common wg org, rather than google docs or posts spread across the ether. Sort of like the lang teams in rust:
I was intrigued by the way Rust is using GitHub to manage its working group documents, rather than any kind of wiki, so I took a look. The most recent update is 3 months ago. I think the burden of doing things through Git may be too high compared to just using a wiki-like interface.
The Autoware Foundation is starting to organise its working groups through a GitLab wiki (it’s a project that doesn’t have a repository, just the wiki), and I’m encouraging working group leaders to post their minutes there.
Perhaps we could have something similar under the ros2 organisation at GitHub?
I suppose keeping to discourse for posting meeting notes and asynchronous discussions like we have isn’t bad, as long as posts are tagged by working group. Perhaps the discourse posts/notes could be made as discourse wikis for those in the working group to edit. Should working groups continue to post in there closest category, or should we have a subcategory just for wg announcements?
Adding a github wiki to index working group schedules/resources would be great.
A wiki page entry could look like this:
Security Working Group:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elit nisl, rutrum sed facilisis at, ultricies nec risus. Sed finibus ut diam sit amet euismod.
Discourse posts tend to get lost easily. Putting them in a category helps but it means yet another category.
My policy for the Autoware Foundation is that minutes should be placed in the wiki, sorted by working group, but also announced in Discourse. I can live with doing them in a Discourse post, but I don’t think it’s ideal.
I would like to have the notes somewhere other than discourse posts.
Gitlab, confluence, github. Anyplace where we can easily organize and review later.