I see in my calendar an entry for the next safety critical working group, but I don’t see an announcement here about it. I’m going to assume that we decided the next time in the previous meeting but I forgot to make a topic announcing it. So here is that topic!
The next Safety Critical WG meeting will be held at Thursday, August 22, 2019 2:00 PM.
Proposal: We can produce packages that provide node constructs (patterns) for common patterns used in safety-critical systems such as a 2oo3 architecture.
Can we do anything with ISO 13849 for control systems of machinery?
It does discuss some software aspects at the system level.
The patterns idea could work for this standard as well
How can we move forward with the patterns idea?
What would our output be?
Need to collect patterns first
Good source: ISO 13849 and IEC 61508
Start a Google Doc or something where we can start collecting patterns and describing how to do them in ROS
List the resources we have available (useful parts of standards, etc.)
Proposal: Produce a library to provide useful functionality for increasing reliability or availability, such as Virtual Synchrony.
An interesting alternative angle: How do you integrate ROS (as a non-safety-critical part of a system) with a safety-critical part and provide guarantees of non-interference, etc.?
Action items
Start a Google Doc for documenting patterns and available resources
We decided to have a regular meeting every four weeks. We can make it more frequent if we decide we need more discussion time when activities start building up.
The current proposed time is four weeks from today, so the 26th of September. To give people the chance to find a better time, here’s a doodle poll:
The time chosen by that poll will become the regular meeting time, so don’t choose based solely on the September time slot.