Support for Robots in meta-ros

Dear all, dear Javier,

If you have been following the current development on the master branch of meta-ros, you might have noticed that we now finally provide a number of recipes for the kobuki robot.

We provide recipes for 103 packages, including all packages from ecl_tools, yujin_ocs, rocon, kobuki_core and kobuki.

We tested that all of those packages build and I checked that all runtime dependencies are declared as defined in the package.xml. However, we never checked if all of those tools and packages run on a cross-compiled image. So, we ask the potential users to report if there are any further issues that we are not aware of.

As my spare time admits, I will continue to work on providing all recipes for turtlebot. A work-in-progress state is provided on the wip-turtlebot branch in my personal meta-ros fork. The currently most challenging part is to get openni2-camera cross-compiling. The speed of progress on that overall activity will however be largely driven by the number of user requests for turtlebot. Currently, some meta-ros users and contributors are asking for assistance on other interesting topics for meta-ros. So, progress on turtlebot support is currently not on my personal priority list.

Best regards,
