Suspension of Debian packaging for EOL Ubuntu Zesty (17.04)

Hi ROS users!

Ubuntu Zesty (17.04) has reached end of life, and Canonical actively relocated the debian packages from to Therefore we will stop building packages this platform in the next few days.

As a result, we will build Lunar binaries for:

  • Ubuntu Xenial (16.04)
  • Debian Stretch (9)

What this means for you as a user:

  • The packages will continue to be available from the repository however we will no longer be building new versions when releases are made.
  • If you are on an EOL’d distro, it’s strongly recommended to upgrade. We will no longer ship updates, and you are no longer getting security updates in general (especially Canonical is not planning on releasing fixes for Metldown and Spectre vulnerabilities in this distribution hence its express retirement).

Robotically yours,
The ROS team