Is there anyone who knows why the TurtleBots ancestors keeps the joystick system which has seperated keys to move and stop? Many video games like RPG, Mechanic games and stuffs make always the character move only when the button is being pressed or the joystick is being pulled, and I’m also adapted to this.
As I have carried on making the TurtleBot3 examples, I used latter one, and the key utility was pretty good. If theres some needs to use the former, I should follow it but I really wondered if there wasn’t any single person that felt inconvenience by pressing stop button everytime when they want to stop the robot.
The design of the TurtleBot controls is that if you want to stop the robot you can just let go and it will stop if it does not continue to receive commands driving forward.
Can you explain what you mean by having different keys to move and turn? Usually driving the TurtleBot is done by holding the deadman and then the analog joystick controls forward speed and turn rate.
When you let go of the deadman switch the vehicle stops itself based on a timeout. if you release the joystick, keeping the deadman pressed, it springs back to center and the vehicle also stops gently.
If your joystick has different axes/button orders you may need to set parameters to adjust for your joystick’s mapping. The parameters for teleop_twist_joy are documented here: