Underwater robotics simulation - Project Dave initial release

We are pleased to announce Release v1.0.0 of Project Dave, a new underwater robotics Gazebo simulation project.

Dave is a simulation environment to support rapid testing and evaluation of underwater robotic solutions, specifically underwater vehicles (AUVs/UUVs) operating autonomously. The environment is built upon existing ROS and Gazebo capabilities, particularly the UUV Simulator and WHOI’s ds_sim.

For quick starts we recommend the following options:

  • For a high-level overview, see the Highlight Video, June 2020.
  • For an overview of what is included in the most recent release, see the Changelog
  • To review the project plans and priorities for future development efforts, review the Dave Roadmap and consider submitting an issue or pull request.
  • To try the simulation, follow the Installation Tutorial.

This initial release applies and extends the great prior work. The intention of the release is to collect community feedback and engage with potential collaborations. The next planned release will be v2.0.0 scheduled for September and outlined in the project Roadmap.


Nice!! The roadmap link is not working :confused: could you put the link?

Thank you - I believe think link is now active.

Thanks! Now It’s working

I was aware of @davetcoleman’s rock climbing, but he now also has underwater capabilities?


I’m spinning up a simulation environment for a new ROV, and project dave seems to be a great collection of resources!

Do you have a way for non-org members to help update documentation? So far, I’ve just found minor things in the tutorials…
(e.g. WHOI’s repos now support melodic in the master branch, so no need to check out the melodic branch; the provided git clone commands don’t work)

We would love to have community input on the wiki. For now, I believe I’ve enabled public edits to the wiki. Thank you in advance for the contributions.