Victor, your account was never blocked. We put a moderation on your posts for a few days over a US holiday weekend in response to you making ad hominim attacks on members of the TSC, as we knew that we may not have the availability to rapidly respond to further attacks. Remember, people like Kat are volunteers, and they deserve to have time off from the thankless task of community management. The moderation queue is a common moderation tool on Discourse for use in keeping discussion civil.
We never deleted any of your posts. A weird quirk in the Discourse settings caused the auto-moderation system to suddenly flag a bunch of your posts over the past year. We fixed that and restored the posts as quickly as we could.
I have already explained to you via e-mail several weeks ago why your Discourse user trust level was lowered. However I would like to note that it doesn’t actually have much impact on your Discourse activity because we only limit brand-new users (so that we can catch spambots), not normal users.
We have not asked you to “slow down”. We put a reply delay on the recent TSC discussion thread to ensure that everyone took the time to think about what they were saying rather than replying in the heat of the moment. This affected everyone, not just you. It is a common moderation tool for discussions that risk turning into a flame war or suffering from last-wordism.
We are not censoring you, we are asking you to behave in a civil manner. This includes making cloaked statements like “Strong ROS advocate (before that became a paid job)”. Putting a smiley after a statement like that does not make it funny, nor reduce its impact on the people who spend their time working for the good of the community as a whole.
So please, as Kat said, assume good intent rather than assume that we all have hidden agendas, and behave in a manner that shows respect for others.