2023 ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee Community Representative Election Results

2023 ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee Community Representative Election Results


I appreciate everyone waiting patiently for the ROS 2 TSC Community Representative election results. Between ROSCon, the PX4 Summit, and returning home, it has taken me a bit longer than planned to get the results ready to go. If you would like more context on the election and candidates see the original post.

I am happy to introduce you to our new community reps Steve Macenski (@smac) and David Lu!! (@DLu) as announced at ROSCon 2023.

I would also like to thank our retiring TSC Community Reps Oliver Michel (@olivier.michel) and Patrick Musau, and all of our candidates. I know how difficult it can be to put yourself other there on behalf of the community. With any luck I should have Steve and David looped into the ROS 2 TSC in time for our November meeting.

Full Election Results

For those who wish to view the full voting results I’ve included screenshots of the summary data from CIVS. TSC Rep elections use the Condorcet Method for voting, which produces pair-wise election results for each pair of candidates. Condorcet voting is basically a fancier version of instant run-off voting.

Final Results

Screenshot from 2023-10-23 17-18-52

Pair-wise Race Data


Vote Data

Discourse won’t let me upload the raw vote data in a CSV file so here it is in a Paste Bin.


David and I are excited to hit the ground running!


Congrats @DLu and @smac!


Congrats @smac and @DLu !
Looking forward to many years of ROS 2 development :slight_smile:


Congratulations guys.

Congratulations @smac and @DLu. I am glad to see you both as community representatives. :blush:

If you ever have questions about the needs of novice developers and researchers, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Yup, congratulations @smac & @DLu.


New community representatives will have a hard task in front of them. I congratulate and wish a lot of courage and patience for them. You will always find me in support of you to check and balance ad-hoc practices of moderation and the Foundation.

Let’s put them under some pressure to usher in a new era of ROS governance!

Congratulations @smac and @DLu !!, Looking forward to many years full of exciting ROS2 Developments!

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Congratulations @smac and @DLu, the two navigators!

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