Where is the discauss of register callback and run callback?

I remember I have read the article about ros client’s register callback and action callback in ros document. It talks about the how to register the callback. Also, it talk about use poller to get callbacks and run or trigger to run callbacks. I want to find it.

It would be better to ask questions to https://robotics.stackexchange.com/, which is our centralized QA site to aggregate questions and answers for the community.

with that said, you can find those tutorials on the public documentation.



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I donnot mean to find tutorial to know how to use ros client. That article I want to find is about how to and why ros use that callback desgin. I use ros for many years. I forget where is the article.

I remember I have read the article about ros client’s register callback and action callback design in ros document. It discusses different ways to register the callback and run callback. Also, it can use poller to get callbacks to run or use trigger to run callbacks. I want to find it.

I already ask questions to https://robotics.stackexchange.com/. Thank you for your answer.

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Are you referring to the original ROS 2 design investigation articles?

When you crosspost questions and if you are directed to do so, make sure to include links to the original postings so that people can have the past context as well.

I’ve found your post here:

Now that I’ve crosslinked this for peoples reference I’m going to close this as that’s the right place to answer it.