2018 Source Build Fails

I’m trying to get the 2018 software to run using Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic as a start toward competing this year. I grabbed the source both for ‘master’ and ‘2018’ (whatever the exact name is) but get the same error:

 /home/rmerriam/dev/a18_ws/src/ariac/osrf_gear/src/PopulationPlugin.cc:26:10: fatal error: gazebo/math/Pose.hh: No such file or directory
#include <gazebo/math/Pose.hh>

There are some other errors where ‘get’ methods are not available like:
class gazebo::physics::World’ has no member named ‘GetSimTime’; did you mean ‘SetSimTime?

Is it feasible to run 2018 on my newer system?

master branch will run on bionic/melodic after this pull request is merged. https://bitbucket.org/osrf/ariac/pull-requests/107/sample-world-works-with-melodic-gazebo9/diff

Mind checking if that branch works on your machine?

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It built fine and executed roslaunch osrf_gear sample_environment.launch.