I get the following error attempting to run per the instructions on the wiki:
rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/comp_conf2.yaml ~/helloworld_ws/src/ariac_example/config/sample_gear_conf.yaml -o /tmp
[rospack] Error: package 'osrf_gear' not found
I have build osrf_gear from source. Here is the output of rospack profile
after I source the setup.bash
file in my ariac workspace cloned from bitbucket:
$ rospack profile
Full tree crawl took 0.010773 seconds.
Directories marked with (*) contain no manifest. You may
want to delete these directories.
To get just of list of directories without manifests,
re-run the profile with --zombie-only
0.009860 /opt/ros/kinetic/share
0.000401 /home/dheater/src/ariac_ws/src
0.000171 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/OpenCV-3.1.0-dev
0.000029 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/OpenCV-3.1.0-dev/haarcascades
0.000029 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/OpenCV-3.1.0-dev/3rdparty
0.000025 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/doc
0.000010 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/OpenCV-3.1.0-dev/lbpcascades
0.000005 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/OpenCV-3.1.0-dev/3rdparty/lib
0.000005 * /opt/ros/kinetic/share/doc/liborocos-kdl
rospack find
finds osrf_gear.
$ rospack find osrf_gear
Hints as to why rosrun
can’t seem to find the osrf_gear package?