2020 Taoyuan ROS Summer School Nav2 ROS2 Foxy CycloneDDS

Youth Affairs Taoyuan City, ADLINK, Intel, NVIDIA, AWS, Microsoft are teaching 250 students live in-person IRL Navigation2 ROS 2 Foxy Eclipse Cyclone DDS. August 24 (Mon) to August 28 (Fri), 2020. This is a 5 day education program from 9:00-17:00 daily at the Zhongyuan University School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

ROS School website Chinese, English, Spanish, Japanese, German, Hebrew, Catalan, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Hawaiian.
Should we make this a turnkey ROS education program and bring it to schools worldwide?

Course Features

  1. ROS basic/advanced education and development
  2. Use ADLINK ROScube Pico ROS/ROS 2 controllers with ADLINK Pico Bot and ADLINK NeuronBot education robots for teaching skills for robotics industry
  3. Specially invited companies in the robotics AI field to be masters lectures, sharing information about the robotics industry trends and essential skills
  4. Nav2 ROS 2 Foxy CycloneDDS robot contests with cash prizes to help students develop real skills

Course content

  • Familiarity with ROS development environment and Gazebo simulation
  • 2D navigation and control architecture description and implementation
  • ROS 2 Foxy new functions and DDS education
  • Hands on with Navigation2 ROS 2 Foxy Eclipse Cyclone DDS (current default RMW causes Nav2 issues, should change default)
  • AI platform introduction and implementation

Practical workshop- [Beginner class]

Basic practical exercises for students who are new to ROS or are not familiar with ROS, so that students can quickly familiarize themselves with the basic operations of ROS, and finally make the robot move.

  1. ROS system construction and basic implementation
  2. Robot basic development and operation
  3. Course seminars and pre-match preparation

Advanced class

Practical exercises are carried out for students who have experience in using ROS or are familiar with obstacle avoidance and navigation methods, so that students can quickly familiarize themselves with the basic operations of ROS, and finally make the robot move.

  1. Robot state and behavior management
  2. Implement robot navigation and obstacle avoidance
  3. Use OpenVINO to integrate visual AI algorithms
  4. Course seminars and pre-match preparation

Workshop teaching aides
[Beginner class] ADLINK ROScube Pico ROS/ROS 2 controllers (fyi AWS version), 50x ADLINK Pico Bots running Navigation2 ROS 2 Foxy Eclipse Cyclone DDS

[Advanced class] ADLINK ROScube ROS/ROS 2 controllers, ADLINK NeuronBots running Navigation2 ROS 2 Foxy Eclipse Cyclone DDS

2020 ROS Summer School Agenda
Day 1

Time Event Topic Leader
8:00 – 9:00 Registration ADLINK
9:00 – 10:00 Opening ceremony -Taoyuan ROS 2 Summer School introduction Department of Youth Affairs, Taoyuan City
10:00 – 12:00 ROS/ROS2 Platform Introduction: ◆ROS/ROS2 Environment Introduction, ◆Difference between ROS and ROS2, ◆Implement DDS (peer-to-peer, architecture such as binding layer) in ROS2 ADLINK
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:00 Intel Edge AI Computing Chungyeh Wang of Intel
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Basic): ROS environment setup ADLINK
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Advanced) - Robot’s behavior and status introduction ADLINK

Day 2

Time Event Topic Leader
8:30 – 9:00 Registration ADLINK
9:00 – 12:00 Introduction of SLAM, Introduction of ROS Navigation algorithms: -Gmapping, -AMCL (Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization), -Costmap, -Map Server, -Global Planner, -Local Planner ADLINK
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:00 NVIDIA Jetson for Open Robotics (NVIDIA is working on Perception, ROS 2 Foxy Eclipse Cyclone DDS) Chia-Wei Ao of NVIDIA
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Basic) - Robot development and operating ADLINK
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Advanced) - SLAM and Navigation 2 ADLINK

Day 3

Time Event Topic Leader
8:30 – 9:00 Registration ADLINK
9:00 – 12:00 Computer vision and AI algorithms: ◆Overview of AI algorithms (Image Captioning, Object Detection), ◆Common AI algorithms, ◆Combing robotics and AI ADLINK
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:00 AWS RoboMaker AWS RoboMaker
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Basic) -Common-used artificial intelligence in robotics; ADLINK
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Advanced) - Using Intel OpenVINO toolkit to integrate computer vision algorithms ADLINK

Day 4

Time Event Topic Leader
8:30 – 9:00 Registration ADLINK
9:00 – 12:00 How to use Gazebo simulator: - ROS and gazebo Architecture, - Simulating sensor and motor driver, - Integrates with ROS to simulate mapping and navigation ADLINK
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:00 Corporate Speech-Microsoft Microsoft
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Basic) - Prepare for the contest Trainee
14:00 – 17:00 Workshop (Advanced) - Prepare for the contest Trainee

Day 5

Time Event Topic Leader
8:30 – 9:00 Registration ADLINK
9:00 – 12:00 Results sharing Trainee
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 16:00 Robot Contest Basic and Advanced Trainee
16:00 – 17:00 Awards ceremony and Commencement ADLINK and Department of Youth Affairs, Taoyuan City


Can’t wait to see my new students in the following week!


Great! Hopes the event goes well!

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Great!Look forward to the event!

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