This week, so many open robots! If you see a cool open robot (ROS or not), or get ROS running on one let me know.
OpenBot from Intel

Bittle Quad

Spot Mini Mini
Heads up! This week we launched ROS World our virtual replacement for ROS Con.
Tutorials / Classes / Talks
- ROS Summer School Taoyuan
- F1Tenth at IROS
- ROS for Nuclear Teleop
- RIA Robotics Week Sept. 8-11, FREE
- ROS + OpenCV Tutorial from PAL robotics
- Webots ROS tutorial from ROS Industrial EU
- Atlanta Robotics July Meetup
- TWO new Nav2 Tutorials, Behavior Trees and Recovery Behaviors
- DDS Integration Service
- Amazon Cloud Robotics Summit was last week.
- ZDNet on Auterion and Open Source
- Nighmare Fuel Gut Robot
- Port All the Robots!!!
@msadowski on two years as a remote robotics consultant..
- Here’s the “Orange Website” link.
Packages & Code
- New MoveIt Calibration from Intel
- OpenGL in ROS Workspaces
- Univ. Bonn: Visual Crop Row Navigation
- Awesome-Agriculture List
- ROS 2 Cookbook serves up some knowledge
- ROS 2 VSCode Workspace Template
- Call for Maintainers: ROS2-RUST
- New Packages for Foxy
- SMACC MoveGroupInterface Client for MoveIt
- Github Code Scanning for ROS
- Changes to ROS Windows Chocolatey Feed
- New / Updated Melodic Packages
- Boring made easy! License clearing tools for ROS packages
- New Packages for Kinetic
Did you release a package recently? Add a new feature? Finish a robot. If you did something cool drop it in the comments.