2022 Annual Community Meeting

Hey MoveIt community,

I’m Sean, and I help out with marketing and media for MoveIt (I work at PickNik for complete transparency)

I have been thinking about how MoveIt can best come together as a community outside of ROSCon (or World) and World MoveIt Day. While these events are great on their own, ROSCon is not MoveIt focused, and World MoveIt Day (WMD) has the goal of getting as many PR’s through in one day as possible, which leaves a lot of room to be expanded upon.

I’m proposing a 2022 MoveIt Community meeting that aims to bring together the MoveIt community to determine MoveIt goals for the year to come. This would be a mixture of talks, planning groups, and working groups focused entirely on MoveIt. I think it would be somewhat of a cross between ROS World and WMD in that it allows collaboration and presentation. @mmoll brought up that this last happened in Macau and had some thoughts on how it went.

Here are links to the previous Annual community meetings for reference:

I’m the date of February 15th (though I could be persuaded otherwise) with the goal of spreading out the community events evenly (we could have WMD in June, and then ROSCon is held in October).

The event would be held virtually on a platform such as Swapcard (for presentations) and discord for networking/video chats.

  • What: MoveIt Annual Community Meeting (MACM)
  • Where: digital (platform), discord, discourse (TBD)
  • When: February 15th
  • Who:

Theoretical Agenda:

  • Opening comments - (Speaker)
  • MoveIt a year in review - (Speaker)
  • Speaker 1 - (Speaker)
  • Working group break out sessions
  • Networking session (dedicated time)
  • Speaker 2 - (Speaker)
  • Working group break out sessions
  • Closing Comments - (Speaker)


  • We’re asking for general topics that the community would like to review and discuss
  • Calls for working groups (with a lead)
  • Calls for speakers
  • Request for ‘projects’ and ‘white papers’ to showcase (either in the form of a booth or a non-live lighting talk)

From the feedback we gotten at ROSWorld I would suggest including a day for workshops / tutorials. Talks are nice, but getting some hands on time with package developers seems to be a big win for the community.


Thanks Kat.

It would be good to know ‘what workshops’ the community is interested in.

It would be nice to have workshops for PLC programmers/engineers. I believe many are unaware of ROS capabilities but their input is very influential in industry. Hands on with some examples will be best.
In my day job as General Manager of a site most engineers have no clue of what ROS is capable.

As a robotics hobbyist it would be nice to see examples with ‘cheap’ robots using Arduino for example.

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Just an update:
We’ve decided to move the date to Feb 24th to coincide with the maintainer meeting. We’re updating the site next week, and sign-ups will be open at that time.

Looking forward to seeing who’s interested in presenting their projects (as lightening talks, or even just a short write up)


The new date for this event is on Feb 24th, to coincide with the maintainer’s monthly schedule. Sign-ups can be found on the website here: 2022 MoveIt Community Meeting | MoveIt

We have created an excellent line-up of speakers from industry and academia covering a broad range of topics. It is still possible to sign up for lightning talk presentations. See the event page for details.


The google form requires a google account. Could you activate regitration without google sign in?

I fixed this a while ago. Sorry for the late notice.

The meeting is on for tomorrow. Join at 8am MST.
Alternatively, you can call in via this number +1 347-486-5750 (PIN: 644991049#).

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