ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2023-11-16
ROS 2 TSC Contribution Report 2023-11-16.pdf (111.8 KB)
- TSC Members
- Microsoft / Lou Amadio
- eProsima / Jaime Martin Losa
- / Chris Lalancette
- / Katherine Scott
- Canonical / Mirko Ferrati
- OSRF / Geoff Biggs
- Community / Francisco Martin Rico
- Apex.AI / Michael Orlov
- Bosch / Christian Henkel
- Picknik / Henning Kayser
- Devcom / Jerry Towler
- iRobot / Alberto Soragna
- iRobot / Brian Wilcox
- Foxglove / Adrian Macneil
- Wind River / Andrei Kholodnyi
- Amazon / Aaron Blasdel
- Toyota Research Institute / Ian McMahon
- Sony / Tomoya Fujita
- Observers
- Community / David Lu!! (observer until December)
- Community / Steve Macenski (observer until December)
- Locus Robotics / Bence Magyar
- Absent (Please move to TSC Members Line):
- Apex.AI / Lyle Johnson
- Intel / Harold Lang
- Robotis / Will Son (excused)
- ROS Industrial / Matt Robinson
- Zettascale / Angelo Corsaro
- TSC Members
- You should only have comment access to this document.
- [Kat ][1 min] Please remember to fill out your contribution report at the bottom of this document prior to the meeting.
Old business
- Welcome new TSC members. Steve and David
- Note: official start is in December but I’ve invited them to observe.
- Full results can be found here.
- 2023 ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee Community Representative Election Results
- [20 min][Soragna] NEW TSC Production Working Group Proposal
- Charter on ROS Discourse
- TODO: Add working group to Discourse and Docs
- Welcome new TSC members. Steve and David
New business
- [5 min][Kat] Do we want to change the next meeting date?
- Next meeting is 12/21/2023
- Many people have Friday 12/22 off for the holiday.
- Alternative date would be 12/14/2023
- No objections. TODO: Move meeting.
- [25 min][Steve Macenski] – REP-2003 Sensor Data and Map QoS Settings
- Discuss this meeting, if no changes requested vote next meeting
- REP 2003: Sensor Data and Map QoS Settings by SteveMacenski · Pull Request #212 · ros-infrastructure/rep · GitHub
- TODO: Setup vote and send out e-mail
- [5 min][Kat] Do we want to change the next meeting date?
Recurring business
- Next ROS 2 distro release
- Continued work on rmw_zenoh
- Working towards getting the graph cache actually working
- Combining code with the old
- Whole thing moved to GitHub - ros2/rmw_zenoh: RMW for ROS 2 using Zenoh as the middleware, development streams merged together
- Update to REP-2000 for Jazzy happening soon
- Happened this week
- Switch to Ubuntu 24.04
- Very early docker images now available
- Will start working on various transitions in the next few weeks
- Continued work on rmw_zenoh
- Working groups [<=5 mins each]
- [Bence] Control
- Finally branched for Iron
- Rolling getting breaking changes now
- Controllers get URDF and CM update rate in init
- diff_drive_controller doesn’t support non-stamped Twist anymore
- Deprecations (warnings in place in Humble and Iron)
- Working on better nodeoptions configurability
- (all versions) controller spawner accepts list of controllers and can spawn in order or at once
- Discussions on Python support for both controllers and hardware components
- More discussions to support async and distributed setups
- Next WG meeting: mini-roadmapping session for next year
- Finally branched for Iron
- [Martin Losa] Embedded
- No EWG meeting in october due ROSCON
- Working in the Agenda for the November EWG (Nov 28th):
- Pablo Garrido from eProsima will present a demo running Safe DDS across all three cores of the AMD KR260 platform – Cortex A53, Cortex R5, and MicroBlaze FPGA-softcore, interoperating with ROS2
- You can see a video of the demo here
- [Kayser] Manipulation
- Added support for node logging in moveit_ros and reverting it now since some ROS test went flaky
- Discussing support for tool changing, requires dynamic robot model and possibly major API refactoring
- Refactoring MoveIt’s planner adapter chain
- intuitive call order
- separate types for pre- and post-adapters
- Better support for validation checks, step-wise result introspection and returning errors
- [Woodall] Middleware
- No update (trying to schedule next meeting)
- [Macenski] Navigation
- Requested change to geometry_msgs/Polygon
- Major rework on the MPPI critics to improve performance and behavior quality (Open Navigation)
- Various threading violation fixes (Peanut, Open Navigation)
- Collison Monitor upgrades:
- Watchdog for sensors to stop robot (Dexory)
- Adding Polygon Source-type (Pixel Robotics)
- Starting collaboration with ROS 2 Control, Gazebo on TwistStamped migration from Twist for commanded velocities
- New Coverage Navigator, Task Server!
- [Andrei] Real-Time
- Real-time workshop at ROSCON
- ROScon 2023 real-time workshop
- Different use cases for the real-time
- Many participants want to understand the basics
- Raspberry Pi 5 image
- Real-time workshop at ROSCON
- [Andrei] meta-ros (Open Embedded)
- Updated to the support humble and iron with the latest Yocto releases, GitHub - ros/meta-ros: OpenEmbedded Layers for ROS 1 and ROS 2
- To update REP2000
- [Mirko] Security
- Last Security Working Group meeting happened on Nov. 14. The following points were discussed:
- Progress on RustDDS, a memory-safe DDS implementation. Plan to have a presentation and discussion at a later meeting.
- A vulnerability was reported to the FastDDS Github repo recently and shared on the group’s Matrix channel. We discussed the issue and supporting the reporter to get feedback from the project maintainers.
- [Orlov] Tooling
- Use enum values for offered_qos_profiles in code and string names in serialized metadata (rosbag2#1476)
- Made progress on the following PRs:
- [Bence] Control
- Next ROS 2 distro release