Adding Bazel as an official alternative build system for ROS2 Iron?

Just to re-echo Shane’s point above, there is a third publicly available set of Bazel build rules:

I have tried to encode basic comparisons among this approach and those of mvukov/rules_ros2 and ApexAi/rules_ros:

As Shane noted, this is a separate approach from those listed above. This scrapes information leveraging CMake / ament, which has pros (scalability, maintainability) / cons (lack of control / granularity) mentioned in the PR.

(@kisg) The core of my idea is to try to pool the resources who are already working on this problem but in their own sandbox […] Create a community working group and a repository under the ROS umbrella […]
(@mvukov) Having a community working group for this is something I would definitely support.

+1 to these points and goals.

Personally, I am not sure how if I could handle additional meetings in near future (for sync), but if there is a SIG mailing list or forum group / tag (async), I think this would be a boon for stakeholders and I’d love to participate there.