Iron Irwini EOL Plan

Hello everyone,

ROS 2 Iron Irwini which was released on 23rd May 2023 is a non-LTS release and is due to be marked end-of-life (EOL) by the end of November 2024.

If you are using Iron, it is strongly recommended to switch to Jazzy Jalisco which will be supported until May 2029.

Once EOL, we will no longer release updates to core and community managed packages through the ROS Buildfarm. We will also not backport any changes to the iron branches of core repositories. The distribution will be frozen forever.

The plan for the next month is as follows:

  • We will perform a regular sync on 1st Nov as announced here.
  • Between 1st Nov and 15th Nov, will be aim to merge all open backport PRs in the core repositories and release binaries for these packages.
  • On 15th Nov, we will perform the final Patch release of all core packages and sync community packages one last time.
  • Between 15th Nov and 23rd Nov, we will update infrastructure and documentation to mark Iron as EOL. During this time we will also address any issues from the final sync.

If you’re a maintainer of a package released on Iron, this is your call to get the final versions of your packages released on the Buildfarm over the next couple of weeks. Remember Iron will be in sync hold a few days prior to Nov 15th so please plan in advance.



tick tock


Hey there :wave:

Will there be snapshots for Iron available on ?

Hi @marguedas, the final snapshot was just published. Please see Index of /iron/