Announcing Cartographer Stable Release (v1.0.0)

We are happy to announce the first stable open source release of Cartographer 1.0, a real-time, 2D and 3D SLAM library with ROS support.

Since its original unstable release in October, 2016, the Cartographer team at Google and the open-source community have worked together, relentlessly fixing bugs, adding new features, and refining the code base. With the recent stabilization of the serialization format and public API, the community felt that a 1.0 release is now due.

We still see this as only the beginning. The focus of the Cartographer project has always been to advance and democratize SLAM as a technology. Through continued development and community contributions, we hope to add new features, such as TSDF support, as well as advance recently added features, such as distributed mapping and landmark support.

Thanks to the team at OSRF, Cartographer 1.0 is available as a binary package in the ROS Melodic release.


+1 ! Are there any active or past tickets on github discussing these features?

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