Announcing ROS Driver for ABB Robots

Hello ROS community!

A new ROS driver for ABB robots was presented by ABB at the ROS-Industrial Conference 2020 last week, and just yesterday the driver was released on GitHub. The driver’s main purpose is to ease the use of ABB robots, together with ROS systems, which people then can build upon to develop many great applications.

Please note that the driver is released “as is” by ABB, and as such only limited support can be expected. It is not a product and the intended audience is academia.

If you are interested, please head over to the main abb_robot_driver repository and check it out.



The driver has been developed during the European project ROSIN – ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.


The ROSIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.


Additionally, many thanks to the ROS-Industrial community for valuable discussions and collaboration during the development!


Without these initiatives this driver would likely not have been developed.


Not sure if it fits in here well, but I just read that ABB Robotics has quite some job openings in Gilching, near Munich, Germany.

  • Leader for new ABB Mobile Robotics
  • R&D Team Manager for Embedded Software (Collaborative Robotics)
  • R&D Team Manager for Mobile Robotics
  • R&D Project Manager for Mobile Robotics
  • Full Stack Developers for Mobile Robotics
  • Embedded Software Developers (Collaborative Robotics)
  • (Senior) Functional Safety Embedded Developer (Collaborative Robotics)

You can find all open positions in the ABB robotics Munich R&D location here:

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And for everybody who loves guesswork… you can try to connect the dots…

ABB just has announced new cobots

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:thinking: I think this might warrant its own post.

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