Announcing ROS2 support for the Renesas embedded MCU RX63N - software release

Announcing ROS2 support for the Renesas embedded MCU RX63N - software release

Renesas are pleased to announce the release of a ROS2 implementation for lightweight MCU, the RX63N.

This software makes it possible to run ROS2 on a Renesas RX63N microcontroller. The software was presented at ROSCon2017 as a lightning talk (slides, video; skip to 24:18). It integrates FreeRTPS and runs in a tiny memory space (ROM: 69.2KB, RAM: 51.9KB) even with a joystick/pan-tilt unit control application. It can also talk to ROS2 running on a PC (with the PC running FastRTPS) and still have enough headroom for other embedded applications to run.

This project contains both RTPS code which was forked from the original freertps and the code for the target MCU. Setup and demo instructions are available at the project’s GitHub repository page that show how easy it is to use ROS2 on a lightweight MCU.