Autonomy Hardware Group Meeting 4-MAR-20
- Cheng Chen (Autocore)
- Geoff (Autoware)
- Stephane Strahm (Kalray)
- Orientation of the Working Group
- Collection of Hardware: requests and status
- Focus March
- Orientation of the Working Group
- Re-focus approved by the TSC
- Proposed timeline
- Q1 2020
- Interview (via discourse) of members for used platform
- Create list and organize information for classification preparation (ODD)
- Map hardware to ODD
- Q2 2020
- Collect specification and user’s guide for completing « hardware recommendation »
- Q3 2020
- Align with Autoware.IO for drivers/sensors requests for being integrated
- This is assuming that Autoware.IO can contribute this information
- Q4 2020
- Open visibility on official Website Autoware
- Q1 2020
- Proposed timeline
- Guided by ODD for driving Hardware collection and definition
- Re-focus approved by the TSC
- Collection of Hardware: requests and status
- Initiated, few feedback
- Next steps
- To ping other members who have not provided information yet
- Confirm with hardware owners the summary in the table
- List precisely number of sensors and configuration (type of LiDAR, image size for camera)
- To go one step below in detailing type of sensors, configuration and start identifying criteria for classification
- Focus March
- Continue on Hardware collection listing
- Sync up with Josh (Architect) on ODD discussions
- Contact members to ‘promote’ next Hardware Autonomy Working Group Call !
- Align with Josh on ODD and activities
- Cheng: to update summary table on ODD for PCU