Operational Design Domain working group is looking for someone who can help create machine readable scenarios (use cases) in October - November time frame, using the map-based GUI scenario editor which Tire IV is offering for public use in Autoware developer community.
If you are interested, please reply to this topic.
Additional information is in Operational Design Domain working group page and recent meeting minutes.
Arm would be interested in getting involved in this initiative.
Thank you for your interest. Will you or someone from your team be able to join ODD WG weekly meeting next week?
Tier IV will be explaining sample scenario there. The Zoom recording of the meeting this week, which contains GUI scenario editor walkthrough, might be helpful, too.
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/7iyKZCtOzQ-0zVlKC98A4TT66P5nv1OINCFlO600gCOriV05J68MMlR4rgCpg8U6.CLBoN4WPGhqZRQZt Passcode: x2kH89*S
Hello Hiroshi San,
TCS ( Tata Consultancy Services) would like to support this activity.
I will have a representative from our team reach out and join this.
Hi, Laksh-san,
Thank you for your interest and sorry I didn’t respond sooner.
We are now trying to assign use cases from the list for the working group participants to create machine readable scenarios using GUI editor, after finishing discussion on which map (physical location) to use for the simulation.
It should not require any programing skill, but you need to set up Docker to use the tools on Ubuntu. Please try the following link to the past working group recording which includes the information how to set up and use the tools. All necessary information is in the ODD WG shared document folder. (I will grant you access once you try the link and ask for it.)
Can I expect one person from TCS to participate in this activity? Will you or your member be able to join the ODD WG weekly meeting next week? (May I ask which time zone you are in?)
[Past meeting recording]
Passcode: x2kH89*S
Thanks Hiroshi San,
Vignesh Amur from our organization has started participating from this week. He was on the Monday meeting and will contribute towards this.
I am US East Coast but Vignesh is in UK.
Thank you for your clarification, Laksh-san,
Vignesh started to join from last week hope he can continue to join. If you prefer the rotational schedule which rotates through three time zones (to make it easier for attendees from Europe to join), please let me know.
Hello @Hiroshi_IGATA, I’m going to be creating scenarios for Arm. I’ve found the recording of the 2020-10-06 ODD WG weekly meeting: please can you give me access to the Google Drive with the scenario editor and documentation?