Become a ROS Instructor (meeting during the ROSCon 2022)

ROS is becoming more and more popular among robotics companies around the world. They need
more ROS developers, but they are not available.

The way to get them is by training people on ROS at massive scale.

That is where you come into play. Massive training requires more instructors. ROS Instructors.

If you are around the ROSCon and you consider becoming a ROS instructor as a job, meet me and others like you at the ROSCon Birds of a Feather area:

Exact Location: Humble area
Time: Day 1, During Session 2 aka Thursday, 20 Oct, 11:10-11:40 (Japanese time).

Where to gather: look for the guy with the ROS Instructor black t-shirt (yes, we can be cool too!)

See you there


You bet! 428 listed today. Still missing some of this year’s ROSCon sponsors (that I’m looking forward to talk to them and learn about their ROS involvement).


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