ROS WORLD 2020 -- November 12th, 2020

Hi All,

As you all know by now ROSCon New Orleans has been postponed until 2021, due to the pandemic. HOWEVER, we wouldn’t, and shouldn’t go a full year without getting the community together to see one another and discuss our progress. Therefore I am pleased to announce that we are currently organizing a virtual ROSCon like event that we’re calling ROS World.

Our plan for ROS World is to make it a free event for the entire ROS community that will be live streamed across the world on November 12th, 2020. We’re still firming things up, but our preliminary plan is to have a half day event packed with pre-recorded videos and live talks, social events, and panels. ROSCon 2020 was supposed to be our first “federated” conference where ROS affiliated communities could sponsor their own events in parallel to ROSCon. We now plan to test this model at ROS World by offering tracks that focus on our affiliated communities like Autoware, DroneCode, and others.

Since this will be a limited event, and we’re using an abridged timeline, we’ve opted to curate the speakers and panels this year versus implementing a full call for proposals. To balance out the program, and replicate our beloved lightning talks, we are going to ask the community to submit short video clips highlighting their projects.

In the coming weeks we’ll use ROS Discourse to announce the full conference proceedings, where to register, where to get your ROS World T-shirts (oh yes, there will be t-shirts), and how to submit a project video. Please mark November 12th in your calendar. We hope to see you “there”, wherever “there” may be. The website is live and we will update with a full schedule and details as they become available.


what a relief! :robot::turtle::tshirt: :smiley:


Woot! :robot: :guitar: :fire:

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I have seen the mock ups and we have some top secret plans. They are going to be super rad.


This is my chance to create a lightning talk video with actual lightning.


:robot: :robot: :robot: :robot: MY ROBOT BODY IS READY :robot: :robot: :robot: :robot:

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You had me at t-shirt :grinning:


spinning with joy!


We have opened registration for ROS World 2020. As well as posted information about sponsoring.

We look forward to virtually seeing you there!

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There is a bug in the registration page that will appear for those who never attended to a ROSCon before (check-boxes cannot be left all unchecked).

The phone number field doesn’t accept international phone numbers due to the number of digits being different.

(If you really care about phone numbers.)


Thanks for the feedback. We’ll fix that up asap.

While you’re fixing things, check out the email confirmations

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Thanks for the feedback @felixvd

All three should be resolved now.

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we are considering sponsor, but I am not sure about Virtual Exhibit Booth…hard for me to have pictures how it is going to be. Could anyone kindly introduce me the example? thanks in advance :smile:

@tomoyafujita Indeed, many things year are unfamiliar. Our events team will reach out directly to answer your questions.