Hi All,
I am Michele Colledanchise, a senior postdoc at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and the author of the book Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI.
I am posting here regarding an upcoming book titled Making Robots Work that I am editing with Steve Macenski (from nav2). Among the chapter’s authors, we have Francisco Martín Rico (from, among other things, PlanSys2). The book will have a (ROS2-based) practical flavor, touching different aspects of robotics, from computer vision to task and motion planning.
We are looking for potential authors for the book’s manipulation chapter that will also employ MoveIt2 in their examples.
The book will be unique due to its spirit, which goes beyond the typical academic book and provides a snapshot of modern (and real) solutions in robotics. Furthermore, the publishing house will not retain the copyright on existing material (unless you transferred the copyright elsewhere e.g., figures and chunks of the text pasted/reused in conference/journal papers); hence you can reuse your material. Consider that they allowed me to publish the preprint of the book Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI on arXiv, so they are pretty OK with the “read first, buy later” principle.
In case you are interested and want to know the detail, please drop me an email at michele.colledanchise -AT- gmail.com
Thank You