Call for projects & mentors on student summer code program

Hi, dear community,

We’re working together with the Chinese Acadamy of Sciences(CAS for short) to host a program “Open Source Promotion Plan - Summer 2020”, it’s like the Google Summer of Code, that get open source projects, students and enterprise/community mentors together to finish the challenges. We would be very happy to see if the ROS community would like to get involved, provide some subjects for the students, and guide them to get things resolved and make code merged back to projects. The event’s link is here below:
(Also the google translated page here)

Currently, it’s Chinese only, the English version is on the way, you can use Google translate to see what’s going on here. You can also contact me if you and your projects are willing to get involved.

The program requires that the open source project are being actively developed and use OSI-proved licenses. What’s more, there will be 20% projects for open knowledge projects that uses ODI-proved licenses, including the Chinese localization, tech documentation.

I shared the English translation of community registration template to make it easy, please send the form to to join. You’re welcome and I would like to answer any questions.


Community registration template: on Google Drive

Program intro and how to join:
OSPP-summer2020-join.pdf (191.5 KB)


I want to develop in ROS, as a student. But I can only understand English. Can I join as a student?

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@crystaldust should I submit again for Navigation through this email or was the copy I sent you forwarded on?

@arjunsahd definitely look into this, but if you’re also interested in developing ROS, you should join us on the Navigation2 slack: We have nearly 200 members now and about 2 dozen students, bored professionals (due to COVID), and community maintainers on there working to improve the Navigation stack, make demos, implement new algorithms, improve documentation, etc. If you’re not interested in Navigation but another part of ROS(2), please feel free to ping me separately and I can try to see who I can connect you with to join! There’s so much good work happening there its gone from 85% of PRs to Navigation being from me in any given month, to only ~25% and we’re rapidly approaching a stable V1 release. I’m working hard with that spare time to very aggressively recruit more folks to join in, review PRs within hours of submission, and mentoring students.

Steve, friendly neighborhood navigation person.


Hi, Steve, appreciate your great job! You don’t have to resend the email since the organizer is handling Navigation2 registration.

I AM interested in Navigation2, while it would also be great if other ROS based open source projects would like to join and provide mentorship. We will finally have a discussion on how many slots to be applied to each projects, the target for all would be 200+ subjects.

CC @davetcoleman for MoveIt, @JWhitleyWork for Autoware (my god… image pipeline and perception pcl?!), @karsten1987 for ROS2 Control

Edit: I could also mentor a student around porting PCL ROS and image pipeline for ROS2. There’s a bundle of work there.

If there’s a project that touches navigation, I’m more likely than not open to mentoring and helping get that awesome in ROS2.

I’m sorry Arjun, the program mainly focuses on students in China since the organizer will transfer awards to students. But if you study in a Chinese university and have a valid bank account(both are essential), it would also be OK.

@crystaldust its okay