Consolidated ROS2 feature status

Do we have a webpage/wiki page/etc. which consolidates the feature status of ROS2?

There is a lot of stuff spread across websites (like e.g. - ROS2 Features, discourse threads (e.g. Discussion on ROS to ROS2 transition plan), etc. but as far as I know no “single source of truth overview”.

Having something like that would significantly ease the justification for why one proposes/wants to use ROS2 in projects. The important points are how the feature status of ROS2 is in comparison to ROS1. Means if the functionality someone which used ROS1 before is already available. And how the feature status of ROS2 is w.r.t. functionality required in domains in which ROS1 features have been non-ideal/missing.


BTW: Of course I’d be interested in helping out with “piecing together the puzzle”.

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Sure, and, also would be very helpful for teams to decide when they can and should start using ROS2 at their projects or even, migrate their projects that uses ROS to working with ROS 2.

The first reference - - ROS2 Features - looks like the most natural location for this kind of information. I would encourage you to update / amend the page ( with additionally useful information - e.g. mentioning the ROS 1 equivalent where applicable.

As with any kind of high level overview: it will be challenging to keep the information up-to-date (as you see the current content doesn’t reflect Foxy yet) as well as find the right balance between overview and necessary details.


Perhaps it might be worth consolidating or simply culling old sources that prior to the sought to document feature parity progress in order to reduce noise and/or stale documentation.