Current state of sensor fusion packages for Outdoor Vehicles


I’m Stefan, a developer at Husarion. We are currently working on an outdoor navigation demo on our Panther robot with dual GNSS antennas for heading. As we will soon upgrade our robots to ROS 2 Jazzy, we reconsidered our options for sensor fusion packages and would ask for guidance.

From our research, the robot_localization package is no longer being developed and would require treating GNSS heading as IMU data to function properly. We are considering switching to the fuse package by Locus Robotics, but the lack of open-source examples and out-of-the-box GNSS support is concerning. Any guidance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.



Hi @stefan, thanks for creating the nice thread.
We have been facing a similar issue. For the fuse, the odometry in 3D space looked in progress.

The following OSS would be candidates for sensor fusion, but support for the latest ROS distribution and commercial use is limited.

Among them, I feel that graph_msf is the first choice but is not actively maintained.

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