Current status of FreeRTPS?

I’m evaluating the availability of communication between FreeRTPS and ROS2 beta1.

I tried to make the native-posix version of FreeRTPS communicate with the ROS2 on FastRTPS. But it seems that the native-posix sample(e.g. talker_no_rosidl) won’t be able to communicate with the ROS2(e.g. listener_best_effort).

Is there anyone who can make FreeRTPS communicate with ROS2 or knows which features to be developed?
It seems that the talker_no_rosidl is able to add its messages to the internal history of FastRTPS. But the upper layers won’t retrieve the messages.

Greetings! Thanks for your interest in the project. Development of FreeRTPS has been paused for a while. Current development efforts are using FastRTPS and RTI Connext.

At some point it would be to resume development of a microcontroller-friendly middleware option, but at the moment we (OSRF) are not spending time on it. Of course, this is all open-source, so if you have time and energy to spend on FreeRTPS, it’s certainly there for the taking. It would need a significant amount of effort, though. Cheers!