Is the ROS2Arduino effectively abandoned? If so what’s the best alternative? I’m reluctant to use FreeRTOS as it seems that there would be little existing example code for me to use.
Ostensibly there is ESP32 support for micro-ROS. I am not super familiar with micro_ros_arduino but it appears to be just microROS examples packaged to play nicely with the Arduino IDE. I believe, but I am no expert, that getting the ESP32 supported in Arduino IDE involves just compiling the libraries and putting them in a particular directory structure. You could try your hand at doing it yourself. Alternatively, you could ask one of the package maintainers nicely for support, either in this thread or via a github issue.
Hi, @samuk
I have posted an example of combining arduino functionality with micro-ROS in Foxy here.
The target board is the M5Stack, but I think it might be useful information for the ESP32 as well.
Please refer to it if you like.