Growing issue with ROS Documentation

A couple of notes on documentation (I’ve been working on docs lately quite a bit):

  • The education WG might be a good place to start initially - because in talking with a number of educators/researchers - ROS 2 documentation is one of their bigger hurdles in migrating from ROS 1
  • I’ve recently ported the image_pipeline docs from the Wiki to the ROS 2 API docs (this is the recommended workflow for packages in ROS 2) - it’s still a bit of a challenge - but Kat’s PR linked above will definitely help.
  • My biggest take away from porting those docs is that rosdoc2 and need some love - they have quite a few open tickets and not a lot of active work going on. Things like this might be the sort of contribution for developers who don’t consider themselves technical writers (or don’t enjoy writing).

Some examples: