I previously brough this issue up for the ROS Noetic where the documentation can be improved.
This has only further worsened for ROS2, There have been several pitfalls
I don’t disagree. I would like the situation to improve. We need more developers dedicated to putting in the work to improve the documentation. What many people don’t seem to understand is that the docs aren’t going to improve without community contribution.
Right now, internally, I’m working on a plan for moving over documentation from the ROS Wiki to docs.ros.org, on top of the myriad of other things I have to do on a daily-basis. Part of that process is figuring out what changes we need to make to docs.ros.org to facilitate that transition. That plan isn’t ready yet for a general audience, but it is something we’re working on.
SEO pointing to the LTS ROS release is a feature, not a bug.
Poor full text search responses (Algolia would really help here)
Agree, if you feel so strongly about what technology to use, and the necessity of this feature, why not send over a pull request?
You mean these? Or the Gazebo one we’re releasing today? I also sent over this pull request last night for migrating wiki docs.
- Lack of instructions on how to mitigate failing ROS2 builds for ecosystems beyond Ubuntu/Debian
I think we’re pretty clear on what operating systems are supported. Windows support could improve, but Windows is also a very small percentage of the community. Improving support beyond the current Tier 1 operating systems is longer conversation.
Poor explanation of how to use it in the cloud
We’re not cloud compute vendors, and I would be reticent for us to advocate for one cloud over another. More to the point, I don’t think cloud-specific documentation belongs in the core ROS documentation, it belongs in the documentation for the specific cloud service provider. Why not request such documentation from your cloud vendor?
Having said that, there are other groups making progress on this front.
With all these points in hand, I strongly feel there is a stronger need for a more consolidated effort that focuses on documentation
Great! I think most people agree. Are you simply pointing out these issue or do you have a proposal for how to improve the situation? A specific proposal, with a call to action, usually works well for motivating people.
I would really appreciate it if people made the choice to volunteer to help, or clarify the current sitution, instead of simply complaining about the near infinite project back-log. We’re all on Discord and quite friendly.