Do you want to start one?! I’m sure folks would love that! Be the change you want to see in the world! Feel empowered, I think everyone’s on board with someone that wants to champion that! If you want to spin one up or the education working group and run that, I’m sure I/we can help make that happen.
I actually really love that idea. It should not devolve into only a complaining session, but a time for everyone to get together could be awesome if we could organize it well enough to deal with the huge mob of people. Maybe quarterly instead… @gbiggs what do you think about that?
This is not the way that the TSC is setup (currently). TSC members have to contribute FTEs but it is not specific to what they work on, as long as its a ROS core capability. That’s how we get the variety of things from Nav2, to ROS 2 Control, to rclcpp
improvements, and beyond by various organization that have their own projects and programs going on that touch different parts of the ecosystem. The choice to prefer their time, as {control, build system, DDS, cloud} experts, to doing basic ROS 2 documentation is not objectively the best use of their time and limited resources, necessarily. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.
Note that alot of TSC members do contribute already to documentation. Samsung (when it was on the TSC) had a technical documentation writer on staff working First Time Robot Setup Guide for Nav2 - that was very generous and above the strict requirements. I see the likes of Sony, Bosch, and Foxglove also represented on the main docs website source (in far excess of the occasional bits from me) as regular contributors. Its not like TSC and other ROS-based companies aren’t contributing already.
In my opinion, we need a group of folks that want to own this issue and push progress on it. Little happens without personal responsibility being taken by someone to make the changes they want to see in the world. Until a working group or a champion appears that wants to take the effort on themselves, the resources exist to make incremental changes approaching improvement at a speed that is apparently insufficient to many’s likings. I think other folks in this chat clearly laid out that OSRF does not have the resources or tools behind it currently to be that champion - but perhaps that could change in the future. Make sure to ask your companies and organizations to donate to the Foundation to support documentation. Its an investment in your own problems and perhaps then @gbiggs can have technical documentation writers on contract / staff.
Unfortunately just like many of your companies and organizations, OSRF doesn’t have infinite resources and time. They have to pick and choose with what they have to do the most good. More resources make for more options – or have a community member step up to take the lead. I’d do it if I didn’t already have an infinite backlog in my Nav2 + related projects already
An Ode to @doganulus
I guess here nor there, but does this militant attitude to everyone work well for you? I feel like every time your name pops up in a thread you’re calling someone something mean. I’m definitely not blameless in some threads of getting a little worked up, but cranked up to 11 seems to be your default state when you engage with folks working to improve things – which causes the entire thread to veer off track and results in far lower likelihood of the changes you want being made. Maybe you have a point, maybe you don’t, but when you treat people that way consistently, it stops mattering and your thoughts are dismissed.
I’ve worked around this for several of these threads and looked past the specific language to your higher level points, but jeeze man, the most friendly advise I can give you: Please cool it.