As of now we are holding all releases in ros/rosdistro for Rolling until after the run of the rosdistro migration tool. is the pull request tracking the migration-tool work. I’ve run several dry-run migrations into a test organization and there are a handful of outstanding issues blooming for Jammy. Those of which I cannot easily resolve I will start opening tickets for upstream.
If you are preparing a project to release into rolling please wait until we have completed the transition to Jammy as any bloom releases made against the current state of the rosdistro will need to be closed and re-bloomed against the updated set of platforms.
Once the migration is complete it will take some time for the buildfarm to be reconfigured to run the binary packaging and CI/development jobs on Ubuntu Jammy and there may be errors during the package building process which were not found during CI runs so there may be some time between the migration and the first sync to the main ROS repositories on Jammy.
The migration is running now. While the script is running I’m updating ros2/ros_buildfarm_config to move the binary packaging jobs for Rolling over to Jammy as well as preparing some Jenkins scripts to disable the Focal jobs.
I expect that tomorrow we’ll get the build farm configuration ready to merge the migration PR so we can unfreeze Rolling on Jammy and begin building. Once there is a ros-rolling-ros-workspace package we’ll also be able to move the CI, devel and PR jobs over, although those may be bumpy while most of the distribution is still building.
I’ll be contacting maintainers whose releases were copied to ros2-gbp during the transition to get them set up in the ros2-gbp organization since we’ll want to keep releases there for the Humble distribution creation later this year.
The migration PR has completed and merged and we’ve begun the process of transitioning the ROS 2 build farm!
We will continue generally holding releases until an initial sync to testing succeeds on Rolling. There are several packages in the ROS 2 core which we know will require new releases to build on Ubuntu Jammy so there will be some releases during the hold period, in particular packages which are incorporated into the desktop variant (and thus their dependencies such as the packages in ros_core and ros_base).
I’ll link to those releases as they’re made and merged just as we would normally do for regression fixes during a sync hold.
These packages could not be released on migration day since they’re designed to depend on system packages on Ubuntu which weren’t available until today.
This rviz release fixes an arm64 build error on Jammy.
A lot more is moving now that rviz is unblocked. There’s another docker infrastructure issue now that the one linked above is resolved which I will investigate but I saw it and saw that it was resolved on the Ignition build farm so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to call on Jose’s wisdom to resolve it swiftly tomorrow.
As it happened, I was looking at an out of date build and the infrastructure issue I saw was resolved by the update to the docker seccomp profile used on our build agents. Last night we had the first sync to the testing repositories since the transition!
I’m going to do some testing but then I’ll start merging the Rolling releases that have been held for this sync. Thanks everyone who has been contributing fixes and waiting patiently for this longer than average sync hold.
As some may have seen, we’ve stopped holding Rolling release PRs now that the first syncs to testing have completed and the transition to Jammy is complete!