Holding releases to perform Rolling transition to new platforms

The migration completed with a few packages failing to release due to missing dependencies on some platforms. The results have been pushed to https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/32036 and an update to the build farm configuration to switch the platform targets for Rolling is open as well https://github.com/ros2/ros_buildfarm_config/pull/209

I expect that tomorrow we’ll get the build farm configuration ready to merge the migration PR so we can unfreeze Rolling on Jammy and begin building. Once there is a ros-rolling-ros-workspace package we’ll also be able to move the CI, devel and PR jobs over, although those may be bumpy while most of the distribution is still building.

I’ll be contacting maintainers whose releases were copied to ros2-gbp during the transition to get them set up in the ros2-gbp organization since we’ll want to keep releases there for the Humble distribution creation later this year.